Root Canal Treatment – Fort Worth, TX
Root Canal Therapy
Stopping Your Pain and Saving Your Teeth

Your teeth are important, and when one of them develops a cavity or an infection, trying to save the tooth is the best option for treatment. Root canal treatment in Fort Worth is the technique that our dental team uses to repair and save the tooth. The interior of the tooth, which is called the pulp chamber or canal, contains nerve tissues, blood vessels, and other cells. This is the area that gets infected, and a root canal cleans out the tooth and fills it with epoxy resin. The resin hardens and becomes a permanent part of the tooth.
Root Canals: Safe and Painless
Root canals may have been painful in generations past, and that’s the major reason that fear of going to the dentist became an experience often shared among people. At Bonds Ranch Family Dentistry, we employ all of the latest dental technologies so that you don’t experience any pain during your root canal. Options for anesthesia include local anesthetics, nitrous oxide, and oral sedatives.
These medications remove all pain during the procedure and for a couple of hours afterward. Sedatives decrease anxiety, but local anesthetics are most commonly used to numb the mouth and gums. Nitrous oxide, which is known as laughing gas, slows the brain’s processes and induces feelings of euphoria, relaxation, and calmness.
Diagnostic Tests We Might Perform Before Root Canal Treatment
Root canals, which are also called endodontic therapy, require confirmation of the diagnosis before proceeding. If your tooth is badly infected, you might need a course of antibiotics before a root canal can be performed. Most dentists use X-rays to get a picture of the interior of the tooth. Other diagnostic procedures might include:
- Palpation: This involves the manipulation of the tooth to detect any swelling or tenderness.
- Percussion: The dentist might tap the tooth to detect tenderness.
- Transillumination: The dentist shines a high-intensity light on the tooth to detect fractures.
- Radiographs: This is another term for X-rays that also covers gamma rays and similar types of radiation.
Once Dr. Presley diagnoses the problems, they will explain all the options to you. The options include root canal therapy, simple filling of a cavity with epoxy, crowns, and tooth extractions with or without fitting you with a partial plate, also called a denture.
The Root Canal Procedure
Root canals are performed daily, and modern dental advances make them perfectly safe. Our patients report that they seldom experience pain, and Dr. Presley will check to make sure that your anesthesia is blocking all pain. Our Fort Worth, TX dental patients report that they are comfortable during the procedure.
After root canal treatment, you might experience slight pain, which over-the-counter pain remedies like aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and naproxen can relieve. You will probably have greater sensitivity to the tooth, but that’s common. Notify us immediately if you experience severe pain or pressure.
If you develop tooth pain or sensitivity, you should call or contact us for an appointment and consultation today. We perform all types of family dentistry services, including tooth extractions, fillings, bridges, dental crowns, cosmetic dentistry, oral surgery, and fittings for invisible braces.
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